Epsom & Ewell Group of Residents' Associations Councillors

The Wards of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

The Wards...

The Borough of Epsom & Ewell has been run, very successfully, by the majority RA Councillors for over 75 years and in the last election of 2015 have the largest number recorded in one period.

Epsom & Ewell is unique within the UK and is proud to be the ONLY RA run Borough Council, an uneviable record by any means and thanks to loyal Residents who see the advantages of the way the Council is run - for the residents and NOT reliant on a Political Party.

There are 13 Wards covering the Epsom & Ewell, which is also the smallest Borough within Surrey.

Ward Details...

Links to all the Ward details, websites and Councillors are selectable below:

Within the 13 Wards there is a total of 38 Councillor places available with a maximum of 3 per Ward. The total Council is made up as below:

RA Councillors






Site for Your Local RA Councillors

EEGRA.ORG.UK managed by members of the EEGRA PR Committee on behalf of the Epsom & Ewell Group of Residents Associations.
All entries on this site are from the RA Committees and Council Meetings containing information that could be of interest to our Residents.
All information on this site is in the public domain but has been brought to you as a complete package for your convenience.
No responsibility can be made for the contents of external links from or to this site. EEGRA hold no responsibility for the suitability or accuracy of external events or items that have been placed on this site. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that the external information is accurate and suitable for the user.
We can assure our residents that all details supplied are not supplied to any 3rd parties, used for marketing or sold to third parties. Details supplied will only be used for the purpose of bettering the service that the Resident Associations supply to its Residents and if agreed  (by selecting the option) email occasional matters of interest to the supplied email address.
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